This page is intended to be a centralized resource for the most current and up-to-date documents and resources on how to make an injury claim with a National Team Program. This is for claims that are over $600 and not going through your programs small claims budget. Anything under $600 should go through your programs small claims process and that programs respective Team Manager.
Injury and Witness Reports are still required to be submitted to to keep on record for small claim injuries.
Travel Medical Process (Only for claiming expenses that have incurred outside of Canada and the Members Province of Residence)
- Call 911 or country emergency phone number for an ambulance (if necessary)
- Refer to Industrial Alliance Emergency Medical/Travel Assistance Member Card with dedicated phone and member number, call and begin the process
- The travel assistance provider utilized by Industrial Alliance, called TuGo, will direct you as needed and provide the member with the necessary paperwork required to be completed via email. Please follow through with the paperwork in order for the next steps to be able to happen. If the paperwork isn’t completed and emailed directly back to who requested it, the claim can not proceed.
- Coach, Manager, Parent, Volunteer or individual themselves will liaise with the travel assistance provider utilized by Industrial Alliance, called TuGo, who will advise what benefit payment options are available to the patient with respect to the potential medical expenses, tests or procedures related to their unique case. Payment options will vary from case to case depending on geographic location, provider policy and the patient’s medical issue
- The hospital or medical clinic will work with Industrial Alliance and the travel assistance provider, TuGo, to support the medical situation as it evolves
- The patient will receive treatment.
- Complete necessary paperwork (injury and witness reports and submit to
Note: if a claim was opened with TuGo, please continue the process with them. is not involved in out of country emergency claims and will not have information to the opened claim, only TuGo/iA will so they are your contact. However if there are any issues or further guidance is required, please feel free to loop in the RC contacts listed at the bottom of this webpage.
If this was a Non-Emergency and a claim was never opened through TuGo and you are wanting to open a claim upon returning home from tour for expenses incurred outside of Canada or the players Home Province, please follow these steps:
- Fully complete the Injury Report
- Fully complete the Witness Report
- Fully complete Out of Province/Country Form and gather the necessary documents required as listed on the form
- Invoices and Receipts
- Email the above and send to Rugby Canada at to then be sent to our insurance provider
If any documents are not included, or incomplete this may delay the issue of payment to the claimant.
Note: we still recommend contacting TuGo if possible when on tour if a guarantee of payment is required. It is always a good idea to get guarantee of payment so it is known for sure what will be covered when Out of Country but we do understand this may not always be possible so can support on claims not opened with TuGo.
Download Emergency/Travel Assistance Card – Industrial Alliance
Download Out of Province/Country Form Click Here
Emergency Travel Medical Policy Summary
Medical Expense, Dental Expense and Fracture Benefit Process
- Fully complete an injury report form
- Fully complete a witness report form
- Fully complete the Accident Reimbursement Plan Form if claiming expenses that incurred in Canada and in the Members Province of Residence
- Send a doctor note and/or prescription (or physician referral for treatment)
- Invoices
- Explanation of Benefits from your primary insurance (if applicable)
- Email all of the above to
If any documents are not included, or incomplete this may delay the issue of payment to the claimant.
Download Injury Report Click Here
Download Witness Report Form Click Here
Download Accident Reimbursement Plan Form Click Here
Please do not send claims to any contacts other than If you have any questions related to a claim or the process please reach out to:
Elisa DiGiulio (Rugby Services Coordinator (Insurance & Sanctioning))
Ashley Lewis (Director Governance & Regulations)